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What do you do when things are moving a bit clunky in your life?

Allison Lyle

What do I mean by clunky? Is clunky even a word? Lol…Well I’m not actually sure, but it just sounds right for how I’ve been feeling lately.

What does clunky mean? By my own definition clunky means—-Things arent moving as smooth in your life for whatever reason, it could be various issues are all happening at the same time making things extremely challenging, it could be that odd or even unusual things are popping up all around you at work, at home, with your kids, your spouse, in your relationship, with your health, parents, friends, family, pets, business, clients, fitness regimen, healthcare provider, customer service scenarios, and/or personal or business financial burdens/opportunities.

Clunky may mean that you are confused on why it’s happening or what is actually happening. One thing is clear though when things are clunky….life is just moving in a way that is foggy and uncertain. Your feelings may be all over the place and you may not even know how you feel at a certain point. When things are clunky, you may wish things could be smoother and they are not at the moment for whatever reason. You may be overwhelmed and feel pressed on every side. It could feel a little clunky also because you are trying to juggle this specific area(s) and handle everything else that you have to do for your life in a successful way.

In a nutshell, to explain a little more, clunky just means that in one way one or another whether its just one of these areas mentioned above or multiple at once you may have an area(s) that you are juggling your own thoughts, your varied perspectives, ways to respond, what actions you need to take, and/or trying to figure out the best way to positively navigate the situation(s).

Well that’s how I’ve been feeling lately. Life has been a bit hectic in several areas that I listed above and it’s definitely been pretty clunky as of late. Things that I would never expect are happening or have happened. Things that were going smooth are now clunky. Things that were clunky are smoothing out. Some odd things have happened that have made me ponder myself, my reactions, my thoughts, and my actions. I will say I don’t love clunky and clunky for me has been uncomfortable and weird.

I think initially as the clunky started taking over more areas of my life, I started out swinging, fighting, and saying and doing too much. Not literally swinging or fighting but just fighting the situation happening, swinging my perspective in how I thought it should go, trying to move and shift things in a certain direction, and saying and doing too much whether I was saying it internally or saying it externally, I was just too wrapped in my emotions. 

Additionally, I have been trying to do too much and handle too much at the same time throughout this season. I honestly think my initial approach to all of this has been in error and it has caused me more clunkiness, more frustration, more heartache, less clarity, less positive perspective and less solutions.

Please don’t follow in my footsteps on how I handled things initially when the clunkiness started. I say all of this because I want to save you from the raw emotions, negative thinking and inappropriate actions that I discovered in myself when life became clunky. Clunkiness may happen from time to time, but how you handle it when you recognize it, is the most important lesson.

At a certain point, I literally stopped in my tracks as I noticed the clunkiness taking over more than one area of my life. I realized that my approach was not working and I needed to figure out a different more constructive way to handle the clunky areas of my life. I had to ask several questions to get to the heart of myself that can sometimes be buried deep on the inside. It’s in those quiet moments that I can hear my true thoughts and settle my spirit from all the clunkiness.

Will you do that? Will you focus during this time? Will you stop and figure out where you need to re-center and take a different approach? Will you remember what’s really important in your life?

Will you stop and listen to yourself? Will you slow down for a second? Will you take time for yourself? Will you use this time to restore yourself? Will you remember the positive things that are going well in your life?

Will you remind yourself of the people you have in your life that support you? Will you take time to do some of the activities that you really enjoy that will be restoring and bring you peace?

Honestly, I have had to stop to ask myself these questions because it’s been vital to figuring out how to step through the clunky times. I am grateful for slowing down and pondering what is truly important in my self reflection time because it has helped me tremendously. Furthermore, I will say looking back and even looking right now, clunky has been for the best in this season of my life, why?

Because clunky has motivated me to analyze myself and situations more graciously, it has forced me to slow down and take care of myself, it has allowed me to rest my spirit, it has allowed me to focus in a way I never have, it has helped me take a deep breathe and remember the important things, it has reminded me of who I am on the inside, it has helped me move through life in less of a rat race, it has shifted my priorities to what is restoring for me, it has created a healing environment for myself, and it has provided a positive framework to find solutions where I have needed them.

To be honest, Life is still a little clunky right now for me, but my perspective has shifted and I’m determined that when life gets clunky to push through in a way that brings order to the chaos, that refocuses and restores me, and helps me find ways to surround myself with my positive support system. Who’s in your corner supporting you in a positive way?

Hopefully, you have at least one person in your corner right now if life is a little clunky. If so, lean on them during this time to help re-center your focus. If not, please lean on Ladies Connected and remember if I can do it, so can you.

Be encouraged today. Life can be clunky, but there can be ways to see the good even in the clunky. Look for it, find the treasure in the clunky. I promise, it’s there. I found it.

Building bridges of wisdom through shared life experiences, that’s our motto at Ladies Connected. If you already have clunky figured out, help someone else. Let’s Do It!




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