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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Good to Know
Due to the interactive nature of our website, we understand that questions may come up from time to time. The following is a collection of the questions that we think will be the most useful as you navigate the site and get more involved with our community. If you still have questions after reviewing the list below, please email us or call us and we can answer your questions right away.
Do I have to worry about negative comments or behaviors on this site?
That is an excellent question. You do not have to worry about negative influences, comments, or behaviors as Ladies Connected regularly monitors for this type of activity on the website and handles all situations professionally and appropriately as warranted. Negativity goes against the very nature of all that Ladies Connected stands for and will not be allowed at anytime. Our website is only to be used to uplift and empower all that visit our site.
Can I get posts removed from the site?
Yes, if there are inappropriate comments expressed negatively towards others in anyway, your posts can be removed and eventually removed from the site completely if more than 1 instance occurs of this nature. Behavior such as this will not be tolerated on the site.
Do I need to register in order to comment in a forum?
Yes, you do need to register to comment in the forum.
What do you offer with your Ladies Connected plans?
We offer 4 very low cost options for our Ladies Connected Plans that include various features depending on the plan. Our plan options are as low as $0/month for our Bronze plan up to $5/month for our Platinum VIP Plan. Ladies Connected plans include various offerings, such as free personal coaching sessions, exclusive blog access, weekly/monthly challenges, vlogs, quarterly newsletter, book club, discounts off store products, private group discussions on varied topics, and much more. Ladies Connected would love for you to join our community. We are so glad you visited our site!